To use WWW Student Resources in your browser: In Netscape Communicator: In the File menu select the Open - Page in Navigator command. In the dialog box that appears locate and highlight the file frames.html in the folder Student Resources v1.0. Click on Open and the file will appear in Netscapes main window. In Internet Explorer: In the File menu select the Open File command. In the dialog box that appears locate and highlight the file frames.html in the folder Student Resources v1.0. Click on Open and the file will appear in Internet Explorers main window. Note: In both browsers this page can be set as the default home page. Refer to the browser documentation for how to do this. To add WWW Student Resources to your browsers Bookmark or Favorites menu: In Netscape Communicator: In the Communicator menu select the Bookmarks command. After the Bookmarks window opens select Import from the File menu. In the dialog box that appears locate and highlight the file WWW Student Resources.html in the folder For Netscape. Click on Open and the files will be added to your Bookmark files. In Internet Explorer: In the Favorites menu select the Open Favorites command. After the Favorites window opens select Import... from the File menu. In the dialog box that appears locate and highlight the file WWW Student Resources.html in the folder For Internet Explorer. Click on Open and the files will be added to your Favorites files. Note: These instructions are for Netscape Communicator 4.x and Internet Explorer 4.x. For earlier versions consult the browsers documentation.